Yesterday, I tore myself away from the massive pile of laundry while E napped and got started! I used a pair of his 18 month pants as a template because I want him to be able to wear these next fall/winter.
Once I had cut the leg pieces out, I, turned one right side out and placed it inside the other, that was inside out, to stitch up the seam that sits between the legs.
Then I folded down the waist about a 1/4 inch and sewed it down before folding the waist band down entirely and sewing it, leaving an opening at the front to feed the elastic band through.
After feeding the elastic band through, I secured the two ends together.
Then I sewed the waist band shut and made a non-functional tie at the front to give the illusion of a drawstring pant. I used some Liberty bias binding for this - it has a cute print of blue cars on it.
One of these days, I'll get around to unpacking my camera cable and get to take some really nice photos with my camera. These were taken with my phone - sorry about the quality!
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