Friday 26 October 2012

{ a year to remember }

In a nutshell, it's been a hectic year. My fiance, D, moved in and we finished half of my (or should I say, "our") basement.

We got married in September.

We conceived a child in October.

We started house hunting for a larger home in February but Toronto is a tough market. Because we didn't know if we'd be able to "win" a bidding war before the baby was born, we finished the other half of the basement to create a home office.

And we turned what was my home office into the nursery.

We put offers on 6 homes, and the 6th was "the one." We had a baby boy, E, in July.

We sold our home in July and moved to the new one in September.

As I write this post, I notice I've used the word "we" quite a lot. Teamwork is really the only way we could have gotten through all we've had on our plate.

I've often heard that the first year of marriage is the hardest. If that's true, I think we've proven that we can weather a lot in a short amount of time...and I'm thankful to have such an awesome person to go through life with.

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