Wednesday 10 April 2013

{ one }

Later this spring, the group of moms and babies I've been hanging out with are having  a group birthday picnic to celebrate the babies turning one since all of our babies were born within days/weeks of one another. This got me thinking about what I want to do for E's first birthday. Hard to think about considering it's still just over 3 months away (and I don't want that time to go quickly). 

Because I was unbearably exhausted during pregnancy and we were getting our home ready to sell, I didn't get to do all of the crafty things I wanted to make for my baby-to-be before he was born. So, I want to make up for that by making some things in preparation for his birthday party but nothing that I can't complete in a short amount of time. 

I decided to rif on the theme of his bedroom which is a whimsical forest. I searched online for some ideas and here's what I've come up with so far:

I've started designing the invitation (which was inspired by one I saw online).

I've started making some woodland creature masks out of felt (which were also inspired by some I saw online).

(Sorry about the image quality, took that with my phone)

A few more crafty projects in the works on this theme but I'll save those for another post.

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